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A Detailed Guide On Top 9 Ways to Remove Scratches from Glasses

Scratches on glasses can be annoying and hinder visibility, but before you consider replacing them, there are several methods you might try to minimise or remove these imperfections. If you are wondering how to remove scratches from glasses, below are the top six ways to do it with detailed steps for each method. Remember, these methods vary in effectiveness depending on the depth and severity of the scratches and should be tried with caution.

How to remove scratches from glasses?

Baking Soda Paste

Materials Needed:

  • Baking soda
  • Water


1. Create a Paste: Mix one part water with two parts baking soda in a small bowl until you form a thick paste.

2. Apply the Paste: Using a cotton ball or soft cloth, gently rub the paste in a circular motion on the lenses where the scratches are located. The mild abrasive property of baking soda can help smooth out minor scratches.

3. Rinse and Dry: After rubbing the paste on the lenses for about 10 minutes, rinse the glasses under cool water. Dry them with a clean, soft cloth. Evaluate the scratch; repeat if necessary.

Toothpaste (Non-Gel, Non-Abrasive)

Materials Needed:

  • Non-gel, non-whitening toothpaste
  • Soft cloth
  • Water


Apply Toothpaste: If you want to know how to remove scratches from glasses with toothpaste, first you need to dab a small amount of toothpaste onto the lens over the scratch. Use a soft cloth to gently rub the toothpaste in a circular motion over the lens.

Rub Gently: Continue rubbing for about ten seconds. Be gentle to avoid adding more scratches.

Rinse and Dry: Rinse the glasses under cool water. If the scratch remains, repeat the process. Finally, dry your glasses with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Metal Polish (e.g., Brasso, Silvo)

Materials Needed:

  • Metal polish
  • Soft cloth


1. Apply Polish: Dab a little metal polish on the cloth. Use this to gently rub the scratched area in a circular motion.

2. Polish Gently: Keep polishing lightly for a few minutes. Be cautious as too much pressure can harm the lens coating.

3. Buff and Clean: Use a clean part of the cloth to buff the lenses. Then, rinse your glasses and dry them with a different soft cloth.

Car Wax

Materials Needed:

  • Car wax
  • Soft cloth


1. Apply Car Wax: Apply a small amount of car wax to the cloth.

2. Rub Into Scratches: Gently rub the wax over the scratches in a circular motion. The wax can fill in the scratches and make them less visible.

3. Buff the Lenses: After application, buff the lenses with a clean part of the cloth until they shine.

Glass Etching Cream (Warning: Risky)

Materials Needed:

  • Glass etching cream (contains hydrofluoric acid, use with caution)
  • Gloves
  • Soft cloth


1. Apply Cream Carefully: Wearing gloves, apply a very small amount of etching cream to the scratches. Avoid getting this cream on the frames as it can damage them.

2. Leave Briefly: Let the cream sit for no more than five minutes. This cream works by removing a fine layer of the glass surface.

3. Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse the glasses under running water immediately after the appropriate time has elapsed to prevent excess damage. Dry with a soft cloth. Note: This method is not recommended for lenses with coatings as it can strip them away.

Furniture Spray

Materials Needed:

  • Furniture spray
  • Soft cloth


1. Clean the Glasses: Before attempting any repair, clean your glasses with water and a mild soap to remove any dust or grease. Dry them thoroughly with a soft cloth.

2. Apply Furniture Spray: Spray a small amount of furniture polish on the soft cloth. Avoid spraying directly onto the lens to control the amount of liquid applied.

3. Buff the Scratches: Gently rub the cloth over the lenses in a circular motion. The silicones in the furniture polish might fill in the scratches, making them less visible.

4. Wipe and Clean: After buffing for a few minutes, use a clean part of the cloth to remove any excess polish. Check the results and repeat if necessary.

Banana Peel

Materials Needed:

  • Banana peel
  • Microfiber cloth


1. Use the Inside of the Peel: After eating a banana, take the peel and use the inside (the white part) to rub over your lenses gently.

2. Rub Gently: Use circular motions to rub the peel on the scratches for about 2 minutes. The natural oils in the banana peel can help reduce the visibility of scratches.

3. Clean the Lenses: After using the banana peel, clean the glasses with a microfiber cloth to remove any banana residue and to polish the lens surface.

Dry Mustard and Vinegar

Materials Needed:

  • Dry mustard powder
  • White vinegar
  • Small bowl
  • Soft cloth


1. Create a Paste: Mix one part dry mustard with enough vinegar to create a paste in a small bowl.

2. Apply the Paste: Use a soft cloth to apply this paste to the lenses. Gently rub it in circular motions over the scratched areas.

3. Let It Sit and Clean: Allow the paste to sit on the lenses for an hour, then rinse it off with cold water. Dry and buff the lenses with a clean, soft cloth.

Pencil Eraser

Materials Needed:

  • Clean pencil eraser


1. Select a Clean Eraser: Ensure the eraser is clean and free from graphite to avoid additional marks.

2. Rub the Eraser: Gently rub the eraser over the scratched area in a circular motion. The rubber can sometimes smooth out the scratch and reduce its appearance.

3. Clean the Lens: After using the eraser, clean the lens with a lens cleaner and a microfiber cloth to ensure no eraser dust remains.


Scratches on glasses can significantly impact your vision and the aesthetics of your eyewear. Knowing how to remove scratches from glasses allows you to remove scratches at home easily. While some scratches can be addressed with DIY methods, deeper or more severe scratches might require professional intervention. Always test these methods on a small area of the lens first to ensure there is no further damage. For glasses with special coatings, or if you’re unsure, consulting a professional is the safest approach to maintaining your eyewear’s integrity and functionality.


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